Here it is:
A deep, often cerebreal and emotional journey, Roswell (1999 – 2002), not to be confused with the new woke bullshit, Roswell, New Mexico. That one is a decoy. The original is highly unpolitical and very pure in essence.
You may also notice some Christian undertones throughout the series, which was given an increasingly raw deal season after season by production companies.
It can take more than one watch for all of it to sink in. This story combines a lot of the real thing with a sort of “what if” scenario. Three children emerge from cocoons after a gestation period of some forty years in the form of normal six year olds. Thus begins their struggle to get by as humans while figuring out their own origins, identities and destinies.
Some names are changed for the show, such as the Brazel Ranch. However, they kept the names of the top officials involved in the scandal, at the time, even going so far as having the regular actors play the parts of the aforementioned in a “Summer of ’47” episode. That episode also included a scene when an older man in the present time shows one of the alien teenagers a keepsake from the crash that exists in real life.
Another special item of note is that there is more realism in the characters and situations due to the fact that Jason Katims is a character creating and building genius and, because of him namely, the actors actually play themselves. In my opinion, this makes for a truly convincing experience.
I am in love with these characters as though they are my friends. I have to watch it through several times a year. I start to get depressed if I don’t get to see it in a while and I can’t help but autistically inject every conversation with a Roswell reference (not a deadly “vaccine”! Sorry…). This is ACTUALLY my safe place. The one solace no matter what happens to my family and I or where we go is that I take Roswell with me. “You know, Roswell’s home.” SEE?!
Here’s one example of the sincerity brought to the creation of Roswell (1999 – 2002): when the actress who plays Maria met the actor who played Michael, she said to Jason Katims (to paraphrase), “If you ever give Maria a boyfriend, please don’t make it that guy.” She hated him from day one and that is EXACTLY the way their love unfolded on the show.
Anecdotally, too, and lending VERY much to the way Roswell (1999 – 2002) is alive for me is the fact that they not only ended up a couple in real life for a year or two during the course of the show, but they now in real life have pursued a Roswell-relatedish side project for several years, are married to other people and are still blatantly OBSESSED with each other to this day, having recurring live public rewatches of old Roswell (1999 – 2002) episodes, much like my family and I do.
Myself, I have a lot of personal symmetry, as well, with the characters and many events. I had a similar history to Michael, one of the aliens, and have a strikingly similar personality to Maria. Also, a lot of the chapters of the overarching story are like pages from my life.
I should mention that, in the very early episodes, some of the dialogue and thinking of the characters is at time rather juvenile. I actually fell in love by starting off hating the show, thinking it was stupid, underestimated it and making at least one derisive joke for every line.
Partway through the first season, though, I found myself anxiously anticipating it and realizing I had undersold it. In hindsight, the childish nature of the characters in the beginning IS quickly behind them in place of a lot more grown-up events and experiences. It is actually much more realistic in that way than I gave them credit for. They are basically idiots until a lot of heavy shit smacks them in the face. They do actually get smart quick.
OH! I have to stress very strongly that, if you should pursue it, by all means possible or necessary, seek thee out the original television version. One of the many ways in which the show got jacked by production companies was that the music when it aired was not licensed for the long term and most was replaced on the DVD release.
The music on the original was almost MADE for the moments in which the songs were used. At least one even was, not to mention that the original score is just as perfect. This show made me like music I didn’t like. I even have a YouTube playlist of the songs I like in the order they featured.
The DVD release featured many replacement songs throughout all of the episodes and a lot of the songs are wooden, wrong and lame in place of the originals. It’s REALLY hard to listen to.
I actually have conditioned my husband to not be able to stand watching the DVD version. It’s not a secret, because I told him that part of the reason I keep making him watch it (although it was his show before we met, as well) so frequently is that he doesn’t get or care about the difference in the music between versions. Now, I have told him over and over that this is strictly unacceptable.
I said that we were going to watch it and study it continuously until he becomes well familiarized with which song plays in which scene in which episode. Now he is singing them. It is almost time to switch to the DVD version and watch the horror set in. Again, he knows I am doing this.
Compare for yourself and see, if you’d like but, again, I BESEECH you to do the right thing by yourself! Kel163 can help you there.
Trust me. TRUST me. Watch it.

– something Isabel actually says, herself, in a later episode and here they are acting like it.

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